Chest Radiology - Leuven
HRCT of the LUNG
Teaching course
House of Chièvres (Faculty Club)
Leuven - Belgium
October 10 - 12, 2024

HRCT of the Lung
Teaching Course
Learning objectives:
• Be able to recognise the different basic HRCT appearance patterns of lung disease
• Based on the recognition of these appearance patterns and on the study of the distribution pattern, the participants should be able to suggest a diagnosis and differential diagnosis
• Learn the indications and limitations of HRCT in different lung diseases
• Plenary sessions
• Interactive discussions in small groups of cases that illustrate what was discussed during the plenary sessions
• Cases will be sent to the participants before the course for home study and will be discussed at the course
Course venue:
Convent van Chièvres
Groot Begijnhof 39, 3000 Leuven
Tel. + 32 16 32 95 27
To ensure interactivity with the teachers during the course, the number of participants is limited.
Course language:
Course fee:
€ 750 euro (regular fee)
€ 430 euro (resident’s fee, please provide written certification)
This fee includes registration, course material, coffee breaks and lunches.
No refunds after September 20, 2024

Thursday October 10, 2024
12.00 Registration and lunch
13.00 Welcome W. De Wever
13.15 Introduction and Basic anatomy and principles of interpretation J. Verschakelen
14.15 Increased lung attenuation W. De Wever
15.00 Decreased lung attenuation J. Verschakelen
15.45 Coffee break
16.15 Interactive case study
- Group I (increased lung attenuation) E. Muscogiuri
- Group II (decreased lung attenuation) J. Verschakelen
17.15 Interactive case study
- Group I (decreased lung attenuation) J. Verschakelen
- Group II (increased lung attenuation) E. Muscogiuri
18.15 End of day 1
Friday October 11, 2024
08.30 The nodular pattern W. De Wever
09.15 The linear/reticular pattern A. Dubbeldam
10.00 Coffee break
10.30 Interactive case study
- Group I (nodular pattern) W. De Wever
- Group II (linear/reticular pattern) A. Dubbeldam
11.30 Interactive case study
- Group I (linear/reticular pattern) A. Dubbeldam
- Group II (nodular pattern) W. De Wever
12.30 Lunch
14.30 Idiopathic interstitial pneumonias J. Coolen
15.00 Diagnosis of DPLD through the eyes of a respiratory physician W. Wuyts
15.45 Coffee break
16.15 Multidisciplinary approach of fibrosing interstitial lung diseases (F-ILD’s)
J. Verschakelen / A. Dubbeldam
17.15 End of day 2
Saturday October 12, 2024
09.00 Drug-induced lung disease W. De Wever
09.30 Small airways disease J. Verschakelen
10.00 Vascular lung diseases E. Muscogiuri
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Acute and chronic lung disease W. De Wever
11.30 Discussion of cases sent to participants before the course
12.00 Conclusions
12.30 Sandwich lunch
13.30 End of the course

HRCT of the Lung - Teaching Course
October 10-12, 2024
In case you are interested in this teaching course, please complete this registration form and send it to:
Prof. Dr. W. De Wever or Monika Philips
Department of Radiology - University Hospitals Leuven
Herestraat 49 - 3000 Leuven - Belgium
E-mail: walter.dewever@uzleuven.be; monika.philips@uzleuven.be
Last name:............................................................................................................................
First name:............................................................................................................................
Work address:......................................................................................................................
Postal code and city: .........................................................................................................
750 euro (regular fee)
430 euro (resident's fee, please provide written certification)
Payment by bank transfer to the account of the Department of Radiology of the University Hospitals Leuven:
IBAN BE43 4320 0172 2101 - BIC: KREDBEBB
KBC Bank & Verzekering - Brusselsesteenweg 100 - 3000 Leuven
Please mention: +++972/3900/30082+++
In case a company or your employer is paying for the course, please mention the name.
(The registration is definitive after payment has been received.)
No refunds after September 20, 2024.
